especially for beginners

Our exclusive beginner course to learn to play the piano: your first time at the piano with a teacher from the Paris Conservatory.

How you can learn to play the piano

Piano lessons for beginners
Hand position (excerpt)
Piano lessons for beginners
Hand position (excerpt)
Piano lessons for beginners
Learn to read music (excerpt)
Piano lessons for beginners
Learn to read music (excerpt)
Piano lessons for beginners
Meter (excerpt)
Piano lessons for beginners
Meter (excerpt)


This course is designed for people who wish to start learning the piano from zero. Even if you have never touched the keyboard before and don’t know how to read music, these lessons will get you started.



All the fundamental elements of playing the piano are explained step by step in the videos. The explanations are systematically followed by a practical application either in an exercise or a piece of music.


The score for each exercise and each piece can be downloaded and printed.

Summary of our beginner course:

• Introduction

Explore the instrument (soundboard, frame, strings, hammers, dampers, pedals, keyboard, + exercise)

Sitting position at the keyboard

Hand position (fingering, the thumb, parts of the finger)

Listening (exercise)

Notes on the keyboard (exercise)

Arm weight

Black keys (accidentals, whole steps and half steps, the chromatic scale, + exercise)

Bridge exercise

Exercise for three fingers

Learn to read music (the staff, treble clef and bass clef, + 2 pieces)

Meter (duration of notes, rests, time signature, + exercise and piece)


Learn to read more notes (piece)

Why is the sound harsh?

Legato exercises

By the light of the moon - Au clair de la lune (repeat sign, transposition)

Simultaneous notes (2 pieces)

Allegro in D-Major (key signature)

Staccato (piece)

Contrary and parallel motion (piece and an exercise by Hanon)

2-note slurs (3 pieces)

Quadrille by Haydn

Improvise on an open fifth

Dotted quarter – eighth note rhythm (piece)

Crossing thumb under (2 exercises, B-Major scale, piece)

Articulation markings

Czerny etude

Whole-tone scale exercise

Minuet by Mozart (1)

Waltz by Hummel

Minuet by Mozart (2)

Melody (from Album for the young) by Schumann